MC Junction # 201, 3rd Main, Kasturi Nagar, Bangalore +91 9886395460

Weather Blinds/Monsoon Blinds

Monsoon blinds and balcony blinds combine tough protection with complementary style for demanding exteriors. Strong and long-lasting, our Monsoon balcony blind provide complete protection against all kinds of weather. Matts Corner Monsoon blinds are made from special scratch-resistant PVC and acrylic fabrics. The former ensures a lasting
‘new-ness’ of your exterior blinds and the latter allow light to pass freely making it a perfect shield.
Our waterproof roller blinds are perfect for home and business use. We provide a wide enough variety of waterproof balcony blinds that match your unique design, style, and layout.

The monsoon blinds and outdoor balcony blinds
not only safeguard against water but also heat and dust giving protection all-year around.

Monsoon Blinds

The outdoor balcony blinds and shades are sealed panel-wise hence damage can be easily repaired by merely replacing a panel rather than replacing the whole blind.

Stainless steel guides and cables provide long lasting support and life to your balcony blinds. Perfectly suited as exterior shades / outdoor blinds for sea-facing resorts, open restaurants, food courts, roof-top cafeterias and gardens.

Available in

  • Manual
  • Motorized
  • Curved
  • Crank shaft



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